My Digital Detox… so far

I have been threatening a digital detox for some time. I don’t know how much time you spend on social media, but with the yoga biz I was obliged to spend a certain amount of time to keep the biz going, which often led to me going down many a rabbit hole on reels and the likes, only to realise I’ve spent about an hour of my evening scrolling mindlessly. If I scroll mindlessly for an hour a day, for a week, that’s 7 hours of time I don’t get back. And think of all the nice things one could do with that time!

So last week, I recognised that my mind needed rest from the noise, both visually and audibly. I was picking my phone up out of pure habit to check social media, and this was distracting me from everything in my day. It was time for healthier phone habits for sure.

I’m about a week into my Detox, and while I haven’t stayed completely off social media (I am part of some Facebook groups where I need to communicate with people), I have been pretty strict with myself while using these groups. As soon as I catch myself wandering down a scrolling path, I catch myself and get out! Not unlike our meditation practice actually - (catch the wandering mind and direct it back to the breath in the present moment).

So what have I gained so far? The obvious one, time. And uninterrupted time at that. I got rid of the Instagram app and turned off Facebook notifications, so no interruptions/distractions.

I’m using those 7 odd hours for things that keep me well or that I enjoy doing - walks, reading, watching Netflix and giving it my full attention for a change. Playing with my little girl and being fully present.. Something I shouldn’t even have to think about doing but yet, I found myself picking up the phone (a lot) while around her too! And also getting back to things I used to do more of, like baking.

I’ve also activated the ‘digital wellbeing’ service on my phone. At 10pm, the screen turns black and white until 7am, encouraging me to put the phone down and go to sleep.

And on that topic, sleep hygiene is also improving. I try avoid looking at my phone at all after 10pm, meaning less blue light through the eyeballs, which impacts negatively on brain activity when you want to actually wind down for bed. Instead I’m now encouraged to journal/read, and go to sleep earlier too.

I’ve just started this 🙂

I’ve just started this 🙂

I have definitely picked up my phone many many times to open Instagram over the last week, to find that it isn’t there.. pressing on a blank space of the screen, which proved the point of how mindless and unhealthy the habit had become. I’ve actually really enjoyed the headspace I’ve found from the detox so far. There’s been only a small amount of FOMO, but not as much as I anticipated. Let’s see if I still feel that way by the end 😆

I shall keep you posted!


What’s to be gained from a Digital Detox?


How my yoga journey began…